Download FREE CV/ Resume Format for BPO and call center. Now enhance your BPO Resume for a better job search process of call centers. Get the Sample Resume for fresher and experienced BPO job seekers on
A call center representative is the voice and face of the company when interacting with customers. Call center representative duties include answering customer questions, resolving individual problems and handling complaints. These representatives work in shifts which vary from company to company; some companies work 24 hours and some work for a standard 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call center representative should have in-depth knowledge of the company products and services and they should be up-to-date on changes or updates in the company. There are some important tasks which are performed by the call the representatives such as to update customer files and database, as well as take steps. The representative should have excellent interpersonal skills, problem solving skills and conflict-resolution skills. The format of resume should include high school diploma or many employers want a college degree. The candidate should have at-least 1 year of experience. The candidate should have superior communication skills and high computer skills.