Download FREE CV/ Resume Format for Piping Engineer and enhance your Resume for a better job opportunity. Get the Sample Resume for fresher & experienced Piping Engineer. All samples are professional and designed by our resume writing experts.
Piping engineer are those who design the layouts of piping network along with the equipments in the process plant. Piping engineers used to prepare the plot plan, equipments layouts by doing piping studies, as well as review the package process. There are many responsible of the piping engineers such as preparation of piping layouts, isometrics, stress analysis, as well as they also prepare drawings for statutory approvals, also preview the vendor drawings. Piping engineers have to coordinate with various engineering groups and sites. Activities which are carried out by the piping engineers are converting the required data P & ID’s to layouts by doing proper identification of valves, strainers etc. They used to process data sheets for equipments. They also provide support to all the purchases activities and evaluate all the vendor submittals, as well as inspect all mechanical equipments and analyze all equipments. They also provide assistance to all engineers and recommend improvements to all design or layouts. Piping engineers used to provide appropriate solutions for all the parties. They support all CADD functions and maintain all the activities according to project schedule. The format of resume should include a bachelor degree in piping engineering. The candidate should have at-least one year of experience in same field. The candidate should have problem solving skills, creativity and communication skills, as well as familiar with geographic information systems (GIS).